Challenge #1

South Africa boasts an overwhelming amount of initiatives aimed at creative positive change in our country. These non-profit organisations (NPOs) seldom have the resources to design and develop their brand, which is a crucial to their fundraising process.


Challenge #2

There are many people and organisations who would like to give back to South African but don’t have the time or the know-how – so they end up doing … well … nothing.


Our Solution

We use our skills to help the organisations that help people, thereby providing a catalyst for exponential change.

The Designed To Change initiative joins forces with creatives who have the skills  to help us build charity brands. We create strong visual identities and campaigns that effectively position NPOs with credible and professional branding in order to facilitate them gaining the trust and assurance of prospective funders and supporters.

Through our pro bono charity design work, we have managed to make a big difference. We cannot take credit for all the work, though. Meet our change agents to see who’s involved in our initiative and generously donates their time free of charge!