
JAW Design has vast experience in Branding and Design. We have a deep understanding of branding; from digital & print media, through to internalisation and social marketing material.


Who is Medihelp? 

Medihelp is a Medical Aid Scheme offering best in class products to its members. With over a century of experience in the industry, they maintain credibility through their expertise, stability in the market and great customer support.

The brief:

As their Creative agency, we were tasked to provide integrated marketing content for various campaigns aimed at creating awareness, education and of course, lead generation

Our challenge:

Faced with various factors such as a vast number of competitors entering the market, price transparency/benefit enhancements, customer experience and In particular, the fast-evolving government regulations and technological innovations that came with a global pandemic, we needed to stand out and most importantly, be trusted.

Our Solution:

Make Medihelp stand out, create awareness around their benefits and remain credible and trusted amongst their members. We needed an integrated approach that supported various different campaigns. From creating engaging content with beautifully crafted videos to developing a new positioning for the brand complemented by an impactful look and feel, we evolved the brand progressively.

How we did it:

  • Developed a new brand visual identity.
  • Strategy and research to reposition the brand in the market
  • Created a series of campaigns; focusing on its 115th birthday, new positioning, benefit options and more
  • Developed a social media content plan
  • Created a series of radio adverts in different languages
  • Designed beautifully crafted posts, videos and communications to support Medihelp’s initiatives